Sunday, December 10, 2017


One of my favorite songs after watching Cosmos. I had a dream last night where I met him. I was soaring into different worlds; lights in the great and vast cosmic ocean among citadels of stars. and I felt the ultimate connectivity and oneness with the universe. I reflected back on humanity as a whole as a burgeoning mammal who rose their heads with curiosity towards the stars after billions of years coming from matter that had been slowly groomed through time to finally develop consciousness. Like Carl said, we are a way for the cosmos to know itself. I listened to the soundtrack last night on a bus ride from the airport to my school. My choir just got back from a five day trip to Seattle. I had always felt this deep connectivity to the spirit of Carl Sagan for many reasons but especially because he described the feelings you have when you contemplate the cosmos with such eloquence and he could formulate the exact experiences I had felt and had into words. In my dream I hugged him and told him how grateful I was to have been shown this amazing knowledge of our place in the cosmos and to have been filled with such pure curiosity, elation, and wonder for the universe. We will always miss you Carl Sagan. A man with such wisdom, foresight, wonder, and love. 

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